8月12日是第10个世界大象日。设立世界大象日,就是为了呼吁人们关注,陷于困境的非洲象和亚洲象。今天,跟随CGTN一起来了解令人敬畏的大象吧~ World Elephant Day 2021: The day is celebrated to recognize the importance of elephants in our ecosystem. It also focuses on raising awareness about their preservation and protection.
除进入昆明的北迁象群外,5月24日凌晨,亚洲象预警系统的监测显示一个拥有17头野生亚洲象的象群试探性进入中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,并逗留至今。 同一时期,两群野生亚洲象北上南下离开保护区,这背后究竟是什么原因呢? 北京师范大学生命科学学院教授张立给出了分析。 1. 野生动物保护见成效,种群数量增长 2. 保护区外栖息地减少,与经济发展矛盾加剧 Analyzing the elephants' journey, Zhang Li, a professor in the School of Life Sciences at Beijing Normal University, considered that: People are now more aware of how important it is to protect wild elephants, and so human interference is decreasing, meaning the overall population of elephants is increasing. Still, even with so many efforts, it doesn't mean wildlife conservation doesn't face an increasing conflict with local economic development. 中国是如何保护亚洲象的? 云南大象突然闯入人类的生活,不止是人类对它们充满好奇,对它们而言,人群、房屋、汽车......这些都是“新事物”。 在浩浩荡荡的“北漂”行程中,大象家族经历了16+1-2的增员又减员,经历了闯县城、饮醉酒、爬沟过坎、大象救小象,度过了波澜起伏的众生百“象”。 野生大象是一种极具攻击性的动物,据联合国统计,全球每年有将近300人死于和大象的冲突。但夕阳彝族乡高粱地村村民唐正芳说,他担心大象吃不饱,主动联系了乡政府希望捐出自己种植的玉米帮助投喂大象。 大象造成的损失,政府也会出面“埋单”。玉溪还有昆明两地,一共出动了62辆应急车辆,还有12架无人机,其中还为这些大象准备了10吨的食物,还有一些工作人员在密切监测着这些大象的途径和活动范围。 Provincial authorities have carried out a comprehensive response plan to ensure the safety of both humans and elephants. Kunming City and Jining District launched a contingency plan. Twelve unmanned aircraft were used to continuously monitor the moves of the elephants, emergency mucking trucks were sent to block surrounding roads into the village, local residents were quickly organized to evacuate and food was used to steer the animals away from urban areas. Yuxi City has continued to strengthen monitoring to prevent the return of the elephants. 大象:深沉的动物 大象是一种双商都很高的动物。像人类拥抱一样用鼻子挽住对方,并发出隆隆的低吟声,是它们情感交流的方式。睡觉的时候,他们也萌萌哒团在一块儿,成年象把幼象里三层外三层的保护住。 在《大象女王Echo波澜壮阔的一生》的纪录片里,一头小象依偎在母象的脚边,母象伟岸而宽广的身躯为小象提供了遮风挡雨的港湾。
Elephants are both high IQ and EQ animals. They use their trunks to wrap their arms around each other. They also cuddle together when they sleep, with the lead elephants protecting the baby elephants inside. The arrival of the elephants makes people realize that humans and elephants share a whole planet. They share the earth with us, and it is a very comfortable vibe for humans to live harmoniously with elephants. 推荐阅读:一路向北!云南15头野生亚洲象正迁移 一路“象”北,已达昆明,象群会调头吗?